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Saint Louis University Women's Commission

Established in 1973 as the President's Advisory Commission on the Status of Women, the Saint Louis University Women's Commission's initial primary focus was affirmative 行动和平等机会.

Get a historical perspective of women at 博彩网址大全 through the lens of pioneers 和 long-time 员工.

The Women's Commission has sponsored special workshops 和 seminars 和, since 1978, has recognized the contributions of women to the University by honoring the "Women 在年度午宴上. To meet the changing needs of university women, the commission was restructured twice before its present bylaws were adopted in 1986. Programs are open to all members of 大学社区.


An executive board, widely representative of the women at the University, sponsors programs, provides a forum for women's concerns, serves as a vehicle for communication about 问题 和 opportunities for women in higher education.

  • 主席:伊丽莎·安加拉诺
  • 副总统:米歇尔·米切尔
  • Past presidents: Kellisa Fiala 和 Emily Boyd
  • 秘书:Jennifer Semsar
  • 司库:斯蒂芬妮·琼斯
  • Membership 和 development: Esmeralda Aharon
  • 项目主席:黛安·迪瓦恩
  • Awards co-chair: Emily Boyd 和 Kellisa Fiala
  • 通讯主席:劳拉·施拉布
  • 捐赠基金主席:詹尼丝·雷
  • Diversity 和 affirmative action: Justin Lacy
  • Grants management: Alexis Bruce-Staudt
  • 学生代表:劳伦·莫比
  • Women's 和 Gender Studies representative: Jennifer Semsar
  • 当然委员:玛丽·布鲁默
  • Honorary board member: Fran Pestello, Ph.D.


Since 1977, the Saint Louis University Women's Commission has selected five outst和ing University women to be honored at an annual springtime luncheon. 五位获奖者, from administrators, faculty, staff 和 students are recognized for their contributions, commitment 和 lives of service to the University 和 their community. 他们被选中了 from nominations submitted by colleagues, friends, supervisors 和 others whose lives 他们接触过.

Everyone is invited 和 encouraged to nominate an outst和ing woman from Saint Louis University to be recognized as one of the five Women of the Year, an honor to be cherished.


  • Given evidence of her commitment to Saint Louis University's philosophy, measured by the quality 和 diversity of her service, her work ethic 和 integrity.
  • Past recognition 和 honors for her personal 和 professional achievements.
  • Given evidence of sensitivity to cultural 和 ethnic diversity, at all levels.
  • Given evidence that she is a "person for others" in the Ignatian tradition, both on 校园和社区.
  • Given evidence of how she fosters the personal 和 professional development of women 在博彩网址大全和社区内.
  • Five-plus years of service (for 博彩网址大全 faculty or staff)
  • 1977年:玛丽A. Bruemmer
  • 1978年:玛丽·特蕾莎·诺斯修女,S.S.M., Ph.D.
  • 1979年:琼·M. 史密斯
  • 1980年:马乔里·H. 克伦Ph值.D.
  • 1981:艾伦·F. Harshman表示,Ph值.D.
  • 1982年:玛丽·多诺万
  • 1983: Tenth anniversary celebration: Sister Ann Ida Gannon, B.V.M., Ph.D.——多丽丝·L. O 'Donnell, Joan Hrubetz,博士.D., Doris Edwards, Josephine Bouhasin 和 Karen Clifford.
  • 1984:格洛丽亚·奥康纳
  • 1985年:凯瑟琳·里佩格
  • 1986年:艾琳·舒尔茨博士.D.
  • 1987年:Eileen Searls, J.D.
  • 1988年:凯瑟琳·金斯顿
  • 1989:海伦一世. 曼德维尔,Ph值.D.
  • 1990: Patricia T. 墨菲
  • 1991年:玛丽·E. 罗宾逊
  • 1992: Celerstine B. 约翰逊,艾德.D.
  • 1993: Twentieth anniversary celebration: Virginia Herrmann, M.D.伊丽莎白·科尔默, A.S.C., Ph.D.卡伦·惠顿.
  • 1994年:艾琳一世. 谜,Ph值.D.
  • 1995: Alice B. 海耶斯,Ph值.D.
  • 1996年:莎伦·霍曼博士.D.
  • 1997年:桑德拉·约翰逊,J.D., L.L.M.
  • 1998: Dorothy Feir博士.D.
  • 1999年:玛丽·卢·贝内特博士.D.
  • 2000: Year 2000 celebration: Shirley Dowdy, Ph.D.——琼·A. 范围、.S.C., Ph.D.玛丽, Flick玛丽, Thomas 和 Kathy Lund Dean.
  • 2001:苏珊·C. Tebb, Ph值.D.玛丽·E. 情况下,米.D.泰瑞·R. 麦卡锡,R.N.玛丽,城市垃圾 Beth Erickson和Erin Nealon.
  • 2002年:Dana Underwood, J.D.,玛丽·弗兰·恩斯特,洛里·A. 安妮塔·苏珊娜·弗拉纳根《博彩网址大全》 普尔和艾普丽尔·韦斯.
  • 2003: Thirtieth anniversary celebration: Kathy Humphrey, Margaret Herning, Ph.D., Mary “Chris” Regan, Iris Hampton 和 Vanessa Williams.
  • 2004年:Patricia A. 哈根,Ph值.D.Mary Domahidy博士.D.——卡罗琳·E. Mulhall,帕特丽夏 Pisarkiewicz和Deanna Durrett
  • 2005: Kathy Hagedorn, Corinne Walentik, M.D.玛丽, Ann Bindbeutel, Teresa Carson 和 凯利Krejnik.
  • 2006: Peggy Edwards, Rebecca Kuntz Willits, Ph.D.凯瑟琳·"凯"·巴恩斯,玛丽·波尔斯 和黛布拉·克鲁格.
  • 2007:艾琳·L. Bakanas, M.D.埃洛伊丝·巴克博士.D.玛丽·伊丽莎白·霍根博士.D., R和a 库兹兹和唐娜·瓦伦丁.
  • 2008:黛比·J. Marla Berg-Weger博士.D.唐娜·R. 贝斯,我是凯特琳·E. 克莱格 和珍妮·L. 亨特.
  • 2009:玛吉·K. Edel, Ph值.D.,查莉蒂·凯泽,伊尔玛·S. Ruebling和Catherine M. 齐默.
  • 2010: Mildred Mattfeldt-Beman博士.D., Lauren McCray, Samantha Morr, Darcell Scharff, Ph.D.卡拉·斯科特博士.D. 还有克里斯·希伯特.
  • 2011:谢丽尔·L. 李东旭,Ph值.D.凯瑟琳(凯西. 戴,米里亚姆·哈拉兹戈,杰奎琳 A. 杰克逊和萨米克莎·塔伦.
  • 2012: Laura Geiser, Marilyn Maxwell, M.D.Carol 墨菲, Darina Sargeant,博士.D. 和 Kripa Sreepada.
  • 2013: Fortieth anniversary celebration: Judith Carlson, Meg Connolly, Susan Heaney, M.D., Hallie Kaiser, Cynthia Stolhans, Ph.D. 弗吉尼亚·韦斯特梅尔.
  • 2014: Louise Flick, DrPH, Jennifer Giancola, Ph.D.,凯西·梅洛,芭芭拉·惠特曼 Ph.D. 伊丽莎白·墨菲.
  • 2015:卡罗尔·贝克尔,PT, Ph ..D., Nancy Culbert, Ann Knezetic, Joanne Schneider, Ph.D. 和克里斯蒂娜·史蒂文斯.
  • 2016年:詹妮弗·比勒博士.D.——丽莎·L. 多尔西,Ph值.D.科莱特·麦克勒莫尔,汉娜·维斯塔 和妮娜·威瑟斯博士.D.
  • 2017: LaShone Gibson, Mona Hicks, Ed.D.乔安妮·兰根博士.D.诺玛·A. Metheny, Ph值.D, 安吉拉·夏基,m.s.D.
  • 2018: L. Michelle Lewis, Debra Rudder Lohe, Ph.D.凯特·麦科勒姆、泰瑞·默里博士.D., 珍妮特·奥伯利
  • 2019年:Ghazala Hayat, M.D.唐娜·拉沃伊博士.D.凯伦·迈尔斯博士.D.Sadita Salihovic, Danielle Uy, Regina Walton

  • 2022年:艾琳·伯曼,m.s.F.A.谢伦·弗雷,M.D.洛丽·格洛弗博士.D.Jemma Kim, D.P.T., 维多利亚比利亚雷亚尔 


The Women's Commission records many of its presentations. 如果你错过了一个,检查一下 出来!



Sarah Goble, a senior in health sciences at 博彩网址大全, recorded a series of meditations to share with the community 和 which can be heard below. 戈布尔一直在教书 yoga 和 practicing meditation since 2016.